Linux Or Mac Os X

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We've established how easy it is to make Ubuntu look like a Mac but theming Linux Mint, the popular Ubuntu-based offshoot, is a little trickier.

Mac OS, operating system (OS) developed by the American computer company Apple Inc. The OS was introduced in 1984 to run the company's Macintosh line of personal computers (PCs). The Macintosh heralded the era of graphical user interface (GUI) systems, and it inspired Microsoft Corporation to develop its own GUI, the Windows OS. These won't even run the latest version of Mac OS X, let alone macOS. But they will run an up-to-date version of Ubuntu Linux without breaking a sweat. Apple Macs make great Linux machines. Based on the research I did the similarities between Mac OS X and Linux OS is that both there foundations are based on UNIX which is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T UNIX operating system, developed in the 1970s at the Bell Labs.

Well, first of all, OS X is an OS designed for what they call 'dumbest assumable user'. GNU/Linux is an OS which gives you unbriddled access to all 7 layers of OSI whic are realised in your PC. OS X versus Linux. OS X and Linux users share a similar desire to avoid using Windows. But after that the two groups often split apart when it comes to the question of OS X versus Linux.

But no more.

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It's now possible to make Linux Mint look like a Mac too, and it's all thanks to a customised version of the uncannily accurate macOS Mojave GTK theme we highlighted a few weeks ago.

So if you long to add some Cupertino styling to the Cinnamon desktop, read on!

Mac Theme for Linux Mint 19

Alternative GuideMake Linux Mint look like Windows 7

Mac themes for Linux Mint are not new.

But good ones? Well, they have been a bit hard to come by due, in part, to the Cinnamon desktop being based around an older version of GTK, the underlying toolkit that's used to 'draw' the GUI of many apps.

Major compatibility issues and refactoring changes between GTK versions has meant that many popular modern GTK themes were not directly compatible with Linux Mint — and that included crop of clonetastic Mac themes too.

Updated GTK in Linux Mint 19

The recent release of Linux Mint 19 changes the game; ‘Tara' ships with a newer version of GTK that supports many of the advanced theming capabilities that themes often use.

And ready to take full advantage of the new theming capabilities available to Linux Mint 19 is prolific Linux theme maker PaulXfce.

Paul creates and maintains a bunch of well designed and well made themes for various GTK+ based desktop environments, including GNOME Shell, Budgie and, more relevant to those of you reading this post, Cinnamon.

Having recently raved about his creepily accurate macOS Mojave theme I was thrilled to learn that Paul has made a custom version of his macOS mojave theme available for the Cinnamon desktop.

Linux Or Mac Os X64

Not that the task was entirely smooth sailing, as Paul points out: Simple video maker free download.

'This has proven to be a much more difficult thing to do, because of the way Linux Mint uses Muffin as a window-manager, which has some drawbacks (like: Server-Side-Decoration, so no transparency in Nemo, ) and the ‘multitude' of toolbars that take half the real-estate of the window… Reducing the size of them was my first priority.'

Undeterred, Paul has re-engineered his Mac os theme for Linux Mint, building a new Metacity theme that blends with the rest of the UI while still allowing apps using Client Side Decoration (CSD) to look the part too.

The downside is that, for now, Paul's excellent Mac os theme only affects the look and feel of applications and app window borders. A Cinnamon desktop theme is not (currently) available (and the Cinnamon Spices website turns up nothing Apple-related).

Still; the theme is a sterling attempt and well worth trying out — even if only as a novelty. You can download the theme directly from GNOME-Look:

To install, extract the archive file to the hidden ‘.themes' folder in your Home folder (if you don't have one, create one).

Finally, to apply the theme, Open System Settings > Appearance > Themes and select the theme in both the window-borders and controls section.

More Ways to Make Linux Mint Look like a Mac

If you're minded to make the Mint desktop more like Mac OS X there are some additional things you can do to curate a Cupertino-style aesthetic on the Cinnamon desktop.

You can move Mint desktop panels easily. Just right-click on an empty section of the panel, choose the ‘Properties' menu option and, from the settings you see, move the panel from the bottom of the screen to the top.

This makes way for what is surely the most iconic element of the Mac desktop: the dock.

A chunky task bar, the dock puts large app icons and folder shortcuts within reach at the bottom of the screen. There are plenty of Linux docks available but we think that Plank is by far and away the best. You can install Plank on Linux Mint be searching for it in the Software Manager app.

You can add more applications to your Plank dock by dragging a shortcut out of the Mint Menu and dropping it on to the dock. You can even add folders to Plank too!

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  • Change the desktop wallpaper to a Mac background
  • Replace the bottom panel with a dock app like Plank
  • Install a Mac icon theme for Linux
  • Move the bottom panel to the top of the screen
  • Install/enable Nemo Preview, analogous to Quick Look
  • Install Synapse, Kupfer, Alfred or similar for a Spotlight equivalent

Antares autotune pro crack mac. So get started and share your screenshots in the comments.

Got any magnificent Mint-to-Mac makeover suggestions? Share 'em below!

The battle between the Operating Systems is very common these days. Why? because there are different operating systems that offer a different set of advantages and disadvantages.

But the worst part is choosing between them is becoming harder now. macOS, Windows or Linux?

So to make it easy for you, in this article, we are providing you with everything you need to know which one is better for you. So stay tuned for that.

But before moving further we must be familiar with the very basic question and that is,

What is Operating System?

The operating system acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware.


In simple words, a user with the help of operating system manipulates the C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) to get the desired task done.

For example – You want to browse the internet while listening to songs. How will you do it? and What you will need for that?.

First of all, you need a Web browser and a media player installed on your computer and by this, we mean a platform where both of the software applications are installed, so to make them work simultaneously.

Here the word platform refers to Operating System.

Types of Operating System

Though there are many operating systems. But here we will only be talking about the most popular ones.

  • Mac Os
  • Windows
  • Linux

These are the top 3 most popular Operating Systems in the world.

  1. Mac Os – Mac Os is the operating system by Apple for their exclusive iMac and MacBook lineup. It's a very sophisticated operating system with superior performance and stability.
  2. Windows – Windows is the most popular and widely used operating system on the planet. It was introduced by Microsoft with the purpose of dominating personal computing at that time.
  3. Linux – Linux is the free and open-source operating system built across the Linux kernel. It's a very powerful OS which offers great control and command over the device (CPU).

Their Pros (Advantages) and Cons (Disadvantages)

1. Mac OS


  • Simple and Powerful user interface – Mac OS has the simplest and most powerful user interface among all. No, we are not being biased here, it's true. If you compare both of them side by side you will notice that the icons on a mac are much more organized. In fact, installing and launching apps on Mac OS is as similar as iOS. So if you already own an iPhone then it will be easier for you to learn and operate Mac OS.
  • Fewer Virus attacks – One of the biggest advantages of Mac OS over windows is that it suffers from very fewer virus attacks. Now, it doesn't mean that Mac OS is more secure than windows. But the reality is due to the widely used banner of windows, hackers target it more frequently. This somehow benefits the Mac user as nobody is making virus prone software for Mac.
  • World class Integration between hardware and software – This might be the biggest reason why people prefer Macbook or iMac than any other computing device. Apple is known for its full control over the devices, as the design of the hardware is prepared by Apple itself. So, this allows them to create fully optimized apps as the developers have the access to the hardware of the device. Thus, as a result, the software performs smoother and Apple keeps it working smoothly for a long time.
  • Integration of Apple Products – Have you ever heard about 'Ecosystem'?. Many people believe that Apple has one of the most beautiful ecosystems when it comes to the integration of devices. Yes, we are talking about the integration of Apple watch with iPhone and MacBook. Apple really worked hard in making things work like new for quite a couple of years.

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  • Expensive – When it comes to breaking the bank then Apple has a very major role in it. It's on record that Apple sells one of the most expensive gadgets in the world. This is more noticeable when comparing the price point of Mac computers with their Windows counterpart. So keep this in mind.
  • Harder to upgrade – Macbooks and iMac's are very hard to upgrade. Now, some of you must be thinking how?. Well, most of its hardware components are integrated both at a design and engineering levels. So, this makes it even harder to upgrade.
  • No Games – Yes, this might make you sad but it's a reality. Macbook's and iMac's are not meant for gaming. So if you want to buy a laptop or pc just to play games then we recommend you to go for windows.

2. Windows


  • Cheap – Yes, the biggest advantage of Windows is that it's pretty cheap. You need not to break the bank for Windows PC or Laptop. This is because Microsoft sells the Windows copyright license to every PC or laptop manufacturer in the world. For example HP, Dell, and Asus etc.
  • Variety Options – By the above-mentioned point, you can very much figure out now that the options for windows laptop and PC are very huge as compared with Mac OS. One more thing to keep in mind is that you have a variety of options depending on your budget also.
  • Softwareavailability – Since there are more windows users across the globe, there are more software programs, games, and utilities for windows operating system.
  • Customizable – You can customize your Windows operating system to another level. This is something which is missing in Mac OS.
  • Games – Many people who can even afford to buy iMac or MacBook refuses it because they prefer playing games on PC and laptop. This is probably the biggest advantage of Windows OS and a disadvantage for Mac OS.
  • Upgradable – Unlike Mac operating System windows allow you to upgrade the hardware with an ease. For instance, if you want to upgrade your Processor, ram or SSD then you can do it. This is because Windows is not limited to Microsoft's Laptops or Pcs.


  • Malware and Virus Attacks – In this case, the biggest strength of Windows become the biggest weakness also. The popularity of windows allows hackers to create virus and malware powered software which damage the operating system to great extent. Every year more than millions of Windows devices get affected.
  • Less Reliable – Similar like the above-mentioned point this makes windows operating system less reliable.
  • Becomes Laggy overtime – Yes, it's true. It has been observed that with every Microsoft update windows tend to become laggier. People on Social Media also makes jokes on it. So this is something where Microsoft needs to work soon.

3. Linux


  • Low cost – You need not to spend any money to obtain its license, because its software comes from GNU General Public License. You can also download the high-quality software for Linux and that too from wherever you want from, free of cost and you need not to worry that your program may stop due to the trial version. You can also install it on many computers without even paying.
  • Stability: Linux is stable enough to get your daily tasks done. You don't have to reboot it periodically. It can also handle a large number of users and does not hang up or slow down due to memory issues.
  • Flexibility: It is used for high-performance applications, desktop applications, and also embedded applications. You can even save disk space by installing components required for a particular use.
  • Performance: Linux provides high performance on workstations and on networks. It also helps in making old computers sufficient and usable again and also can handle many users at a time.
  • Choice: Choice is one of the greatest advantages of Linux. It gives the power to control every aspect of the operating system. Main features that you can control look and feel of the desktop by Windows Manager and kernel.

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  • Understanding: To become familiar with Linux you need to have a lot of patience and desire to read and explore about it. So keep this in mind.
  • Software: Linux has a limited selection of available software.
  • Ease: Even though Linux has improved a lot in ease of use but windows are much easier.
  • Hardware: Linux doesn't support many hardware devices.


So this was all regarding the comparison of Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. In our conclusion, we found that every operating system has its own advantages which in some cases might be a disadvantage for another one.

Stay tuned for more.

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